Thursday, July 31, 2008

Woodland Park Zoo - Seattle, WA

July 20, 2008
Grandma Booth and Charlie on the Hippo...
These were really cool birds nests (I can't remember the name of the birds). Little hanging pods...Hard to see in this pictures tho'.
Charlie sitting on the lizard
This lizard was sleeping...then all of a sudden popped his head up and just stared at Charlie! It looked like it was going to come right to Charlie - but it just kept staring at him....Charlie wasn't even afraid! Of course it helped that it was behind glass!
Cute elephant!
Posing for us!
Charlie on the hippo

Giraffs...Most of the animals at the zoo were soooo far away that my camera just didn't take decent pictures...this zoo is very cool - There's diffent sections that represent different parts of the world - and the animals you will find there. Then the exhibits are made to be like their natural habitats! And did I mention this zoo is HUGE! We were there for 4 hours!!!! We were soooo tired by the time we left...Oh and after 4 hours...we still didn't see everything!!!!!

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