Monday, July 14, 2008

Hanging out at Grandma's and Grandpa's pool...

Saturday was sooo sunny and hot...and we had nothing to do (we figured the housework could wait!) We decided to hang out at the pool for the day! We even were able to convince Keira and her Mum and Dad to come over too (for some reason I have no pics of Keira! Sorry Keira...didn't mean to leave you out! I think your mummy took lots tho'!) Charlie all set for the pool! Goggles - check, life jacket - check! Looking ever so stylish and not at all dorky!!! - check!!!!
Ahh this is the life!
Daddy can throw Charlie really high!!!
Charlie's getting sooo comfortable in the water! He always wants to jump in from the ladder. Doesn't even mind if he goes under.... Wants to hold on to your hand still tho'....
He's holding grandma's hands here...but does really well "running in the water" to keep above the water all on his own!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He he he...we had an awesome time - thanks for inviting us...and never fear, mummy ALWAYS has her camera so there are plenty of pics of me in existence!