Monday, July 07, 2008

Some Changes...

So I made some changes to the longer Charlie's world...with baby #2 on it's way...I know I will not be able to maintain two individual blogs...(I have a hard enough time doing this one!!!!) So I've made it into our Family Blog...and I'm going to make a very strong effort to keep it more up to-date!

On Mommy...
I'm at 15 weeks preggers and feeling great! My energy is back! Yah! The heat on the long weekend was a bit much. We were camping...and there was no place for relief! But other than dragging my butt and not wanting to leave the lawn was all good. So far this pregancy is pretty much the same as with Charlie....(hmmm does that mean another boy???) It's funny - it's only been 2 years...yet it's amazing how much you forget....things like the other day I had a headache - and I vaguely remember not being able to take Advil or was it tylonal??? I think I can take tylonal??? Well it was at bedtime - so I just went to sleep and I was fine by morning.... I also think technically I'm not suppposed to eat Feta cheese...Oh well...I"ve had Greek salad three times in about 2 weeks...ooops!!! Are you less careful with baby #2???? Still on alert to feel some movements....there's been a couple of times where I think I might have felt something...but it's sooo sporatic that I think I was just hoping....

Charlie Update
Still my laid back little man. However....we have had some issues these past few weeks with getting up in the morning - he is sooo like me! So not a morning person! He just doesn't want to go to bed at a reasonable it ends up being 9:30 - then 7:30 comes along and he's a bear!!!!

He's become quite the singer...a couple of weeks ago we were driving home from a birthday party...and he all of sudden started singing "It's a small world". It was very cute. He also sings along to Backyardigans....

Charlie is still remarkably cute and still loves to snuggle with Mommy (which I just love!)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Tylenol is what you can take when pregnant - and it is pretty much ALL you cantake when pregnant too... which sucks.

Feta cheese... yeah... it's not just you... we are all (at least everyone I have talked to) less diligent in what you can't eat with baby #2. And it doesn't end there. I am wayless picky about all things with Andy than I was with Owen. When I was pregnant and even now. We just have less time to worry about such things with a toddler and a baby... oh well...
