Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Day!

Christmas Morning Mommy and Daddy had to wake Charlie up!!! I think Daddy was too excited! Santa brought Charlie a Thomas the Train set and had it all set up - ready for Charlie to see as soon as he woke up. Mommy went in to wake Charlie up and at first he wasn't too interested in getting up! (just like Mommy!!!) But all of a sudden he heard the sounds of the train going round the track....He exclaimed "TRAIN!" and then the horn tooted - and he jumped down from my lap and went straight to the living room! He was sooo excited to see his new train set!!!! He could hardly care less about his other presents!!!!

Eventually we convinced Charlie that Thomas needed a rest and he should open some other presents! The new Thomas chair was also a big hit!!!

Here's Charlie in his element...relaxing in his chair...with a book...watching the train go round and round!!!

After open presents...and taking a bit of time to watch Thomas...we all packed up and went to Grandma and Grandpa Booths for more presents....and brunch. Then back home for a nap and off to Abbotsford for more presents at Grandma and Grandpa Honeyman's!!! Phew...what a busy day!!!!! Boxing Day we spent the entire day at home playing with all the toys!!!!

December 01 - Snow Fall

Our first big snow of the season...we got all bundled up to go play and get a head start on shovelling the driveway...Charlie wasn't too sure of the snow at first...didn't really know how to walk in it! It was pretty deep for his little legs!

He thought Daddy shovelling was pretty cool and decided to help out by brushing the snow from the truck fender!!!
Little did Mommy and Daddy know that all our work shovelling would go totally unnoticed as the snow kept falling and filled in all our hard work!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Photo with Santa!

No smiles with Santa - but Charlie was not afraid at all! He slowly walked up to Santa....reached up - to be picked up and sat contently! I asked Charlie what Santa says...and he answered..."Ho...Ho...Ho!" It was very cute! And he was very happy to get his CANDY CANE!

Maybe next year we'll get a smile out of him!!!!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Fall PhotoUpdate

Here's Charlie helping Mommy and Daddy rake lots and lots of leaves!!!! We have several trees in our of them being a HUGE Walnut it sheds lots of leaves! Charlie helped for about an hour...then he was tired and wanted to go for a Mommy and Daddy spent another 1 1/2 raking more leaves! And now a week later....we have to do it all over again!!!!!
This year for Halloween Charlie was Peter Pan! And such a cute Peter Pan he made!!!! At Daycare all the kids dressed up and went Trick or Treating to several building on the property! Mommy and Daddy...I mean Charlie got lots and lots of candy!!!! That night we went to Granny's and Grandma and Papa were there with Auntie and Trent - Trent was Jack Sparrow. Charlie went Trick or Treating to one house...wasn't too interested in going to a stranger's door!
Visit to the Pumpkin Patch with his Playgroup Friends! It took a lot to get a smile from Charlie this morning!!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Joys of teething!!!

We had a very fun week last week! Monday Charlie woke up around 10:30pm and was up for about an hour. (mommy wasn't even home for this! ) When I did get home - I noticed that Charlie was very very warm! So we gave him a dose of baby Advil. He settled down pretty quick once I took over the cuddling! But he proceeded to wake up A LOT over the course of the night! Not fun at all! Of course I knew right away he was teething - you just know don't you!

We check his temp in the morning and it seemed I brought him to daycare and let them know he was teething and didn't sleep well the night before. But around 10am I get a call from the daycare - saying that Charlie had a tempurature...I said Iwas pretty sure he wasn't sick...just they said that they would keep an eye on him...and hour later his temp. was quite high and I needed to go pick him up. Now I hope I'm not sounding like a bad mom...but I really didn't want to leave work and take a sick I only have so many...and I didn't want to "waste" one because of teething! I wanted it to be for a "real" sickness!!! Anyways...My sister was home and said she would look after him....

Tuesday we had another fun filled sleepless night! Then again on Wednesday night!!!! But finally his fever broke! So Thursday he was back at daycare...and Mommy and Daddy were extrememly tired!!!! And I was able to look inside Charlie's mouth...3 molars and 2 eye teeth had poked their way out!!!! No wonder my poor baby couldn't sleep!!! Despite all the drugging!!!! (just kidding!)

Finally Thursday and Friday - we had full night sleeps! Yay - I felt like a new woman!!!!

And then....oh yes...there's a THEN...Saturday morning I was getting Charlie dressed for the day...and I discovered a rash covering his entire stomach and back...and a little bit on his face! So I freaked a bit...automatically thinking it was Chicken pox or measles!!! (I really didn't know what either look like!!!!) So we load up to go to the clinic...thankfully there was only 6 people ahead of us...

It was just a rash...he was probably contagious the week before...and probably picked it up from Daycare!!! Oh the joys of a public daycare!!!

And that was my week...last week!!!

But at least all of Charlie's teeth are in...just have the 2nd year molars now...

Friday, August 10, 2007

18 month update...a bit overdue!!!

July was a big month for Charlie....he started saying lots and lots of words this month! It seemed like he was waiting for the right moment to start with the words and July was it! My personal favourite is "Mick mee"! (Mickey) And he just loves "Fish"! Although he got a bit confused when we actually ate fish for dinner one night...and I said FISH....he looked at me a bit strange!

Charlie has also been doing a lot more signing. He will now sign "more" and "please" (he says "Please" while signing).

Around the beginning of July - on our way home from work...we'd just be getting to light on Broadway - turning onto Yale (just about home) and Charlie would start saying "dada dada" over and over again. He knew how close we were to home and he would get to see Daddy!

On Charlie's 18month Birthday he came downw with a mild case of pnumonia! Mommy had to pick Charlie up from daycare at lunch time and took him right to the Dr. She pretty much diagnosed him before she even listened to his chest...apparently it had been going around. But in any case - we had to go for blood work...and the medevial torture device again (aka - chest x-ray!) But he was all cleared up with a couple of doses of anti-biotics! In fact we went camping 2 days later....and he was just fine!
Here's Charlie and Daddy enjoying the campfire!

Here's Charlie copying Daddy in setting up the tent trailer...he found a little stick and would tap it against the leg jacks....just like he saw Daddy do. It was very cute!

here's pic of our campsite - this is Winthrop WA - at the KOA campground. Winthrop was a neat little western town complete with wooden sidewalks!

Just a funny picture of Charlie with a Kleenex box on his head - that he put on his head! (Doesn't like to wear a hat - but this he'll wear!!!!)

Charlie discovered a prime seat in our Sunroom. He quite enjoys watching Daddy cutting the grass from this view!

Happy Canada Day! We had a Pre-Canada Day BBQ. We had a few playgroup friends over with their Mommy and Daddy's! It was lots of fun!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

mmmmm - Popcicles!

Charlie's First Popcicle!
This was Mommy's treat...and I was just going to give him a taste! Yah right...first taste...he wanted it all to himself!!!!
Boy was he one lucky boy! Not only was it a popcicle...but a creamcicle! Yummo! (Little did Charlie was fat free/sugar free)! tee hee! It didn't matter to him...he ate the whole thing...even when it fell off the stick!!!

Bang that drum!

Charlie loves to bang these native drums! Daddy will be making one of these this semester in school. We can't wait for Charlie to have his very own drum!

walking along the beach in Parksvill...

Charlie, his Grandma and I went on a quick trip to the Island last week to see some family. We stayed in Parksville for our first night and our hotel was right on the beach! It was awesome! Charlie had lots of fun walking in the sand. He loved to walk a few steps...bend down...pick up some sand...then imediately throw it away! It was pretty funny!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Charlie's First Field Trip....

June 29, 2007
Charlie got to go on his very first field trip with Daycare! (Mommy tagged along too - last minute!) This was such a fun place to go...lots for little kids to do. There was a tree maze (Charlie wasn't afraid at fact he freaked Mommy out - by leaning on the ropes!!!!), there's houses with "stuff" in side, cars to play on, swings, slides, trucks in a sand pit! So much to see and do! It was pretty tiring...he fell asleep on the bus ride home! (Actually all the kids fell asleep - so it was a nice quiet bus ride home!!!!)

We just might have to have a playgroup here one day! (apparently there's coupons on their website!?!?!) You can bring lunches inside - there's picnic tables. It's a huge area for the kids to RUN! Fun times!!

Picnic at Harrison...

June 23, 2007
We decided to go for a picnic at Harrison Beach. It was a bit cold, and it just about started to rain...but we had a yummy lunch and lots of fun! Charlie ate most of Mommy's Sandwhich! He got to play in the sand for a bit too!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Hawaii pictures....

Once again, Charlie is one lucky little boy! We went on a family trip to Hawaii with Charlie's Gramma and Grandpa Booth, His Great-Granny, Auntie Selena and cousin Trent. We first when to Honolulu for 4 days. Charlie got to swim at the world famous Waikiki beach! And then we wen t for 6 days to The Big Island of Hawaii! (The pictures are a bit mixed up)
Charlie loved the beach - all that sand and water!!!!!
Little surfer dude!
Family pic - Hanauma Bay (Ohau) behind us
Beautiful Hawaiian Sunset - The Big Island
Beautiful scenery shots of the Big Island!
Oahu - Hanauma Bay
Our first look at the Big Island...lots and lots of black Lava rock...quite desolate looking - we even wondered if the Volcano erupted last week!!!!

But this is the resort we spent most of our time at - a 4 1/2 acre lagoon - water/fish fed directly from the ocean!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Charlie can walk!!!!!

Well we knew it would happen eventually....and we figured it would be in Hawaii - and sure enough it happened!!!! Thursday, May 24 - was the official day!

For a couple of weeks before we left for Hawaii...Charlie was getting sooo close to walking. It started with him "forgetting" to hold on to the table/couch - and would just stand on his own. He would also take a step or two from the coffee table to the couch. And he was liking to walk with us - holding our hands. While in Hawaii - he would walk lots with us holding just one hand - one finger actually! Then he would let go of our hand and take a couple of steps....but then on Thursday night....totally out of the blue - he started walking!!!! We were in my parents room - and I didn't have my camera - but my mom quickly grabbed the video camera - so we have it on video! He was even able to get up to standing when he fell down - it was like all of a sudden he knew what to do!! It was pretty exciting! Of course he just wanted to run...forget this walking...running is better!!!!! But he's still a bit shakey!
We are sooo proud of Charlie!!!!

(Oh how our life will change...yet again!!!!!)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Going for a walk with Daycare

Check out Charlie's cool ride!
I was finally able catch Charlie going for one of his daily walks with Daycare...alot of times he goes right by my building. Today I was lucky enough to get the camera in time to take a couple of pictures!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Orange Country Choppers - The Toddler Years!!!!!

Aren't the three boys the cutest in this picture!!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Brief Update...

Well after many many months...Charlie has two new teeth!!!! Yeah!!! I've been saying since January...anytime now - the two bottom teeth are sooo close...but they were stubborn! Finally Monday they made their appearance!

Charlie now says "Uh Oh" when he drops something....I guess he heard me say it so many times! But its pretty cute!

Charlie has been in the Daycare at Sto:lo Nation just about a month now...and it is going really well! The first week and a half he would cry when I would leave him...but by week two - he was very content when I would leave. He's too busy eating his breakfast I guess. (I'm trying to catch him when he goes for a walk with the group to get a picture of the 4 seater stroller. I will post it when I catch them) There's typically 8 kids on a daily basis - and most are older than him. But starting Monday there's a new friend starting and he/she is 9 months old. They are kept very busy...going for walks(at 10am) then lunch at 11:15, Nap time at 12 - ?, Craft time, and playtime(indoors or outdoors) until 4. Charlie usually sleeps for about an hour. And sometimes he falls asleep on the ride home...gets a little powernap.

Charlie is loving his Winnie the Pooh Musical book at the moment...he's had it since last summer but seems to have just "discovered it". It plays songs and his favourite it "Eency Weency Spidar" He even starts to do the hand gestures! It's very cute!

(I'll post pictures soon...)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fun on the slide

April 5, 2007

With the nice weather recently - we've been heading to our backyard and playing on Charlie's playset! He loves the slide!

Last day with Olivia....

April 5, 2007 I found out in March that Charlie was finally off the waiting list for the Daycare at my he would officially start on April 10.

The week before, Rebecca drove Charlie to my office at 1 o'clock and I would take Charlie to the daycare to get used to the idea of being at a new place. He did really well (which we knew he would) He was sure tired out when I would pick him up...and would fall asleep on the drive home!

There's anywhere from 9-14 kids on a daily basis - and they are all a bit older than Charlie (by a little bit)

We will miss going to Rebecca and Olivia's - but we know we will see them often! Charlie had lots of fun playing everyday with his buddy! (they are soo cute together!)

A boy and his cars!

March-April 2007

Charlie loves to play with his cars! He's discovered that the window sill - which is can reach - but still a bit too short to see out the window - has this great ledge to drive his cars back and forth! He even makes the vroom vroom noise!!
Charlie copies so much! Which is so cute. We do this thing after his bath and getting him in his jammies - I do "flying" baby (I lift him up and go round in circle a couple of times) After - I put up my hand - and say "Tah Dah"! And he copies me with is arm! Sooo cute! Also I think his first word - of understanding is "All done"! When we read stories or finish a meal. I say "ALL done" - and put up both my hands...and he copies me... and it really sounds like he says "All Done!" Charlie also initiates play....when he's having his bath - he'll give me toy to play with....or if I'm pretending to not paying attention...he'll actually take my hand...turn it over to place the toy in my hand!!!!
Oh and Charlie knows the word "zerbert" and what it means! I'll say give Mommy a Zerbert - and he takes my arm and does it! and then smiles!!! or if its a really loud one...laughs!!