Friday, August 10, 2007

18 month update...a bit overdue!!!

July was a big month for Charlie....he started saying lots and lots of words this month! It seemed like he was waiting for the right moment to start with the words and July was it! My personal favourite is "Mick mee"! (Mickey) And he just loves "Fish"! Although he got a bit confused when we actually ate fish for dinner one night...and I said FISH....he looked at me a bit strange!

Charlie has also been doing a lot more signing. He will now sign "more" and "please" (he says "Please" while signing).

Around the beginning of July - on our way home from work...we'd just be getting to light on Broadway - turning onto Yale (just about home) and Charlie would start saying "dada dada" over and over again. He knew how close we were to home and he would get to see Daddy!

On Charlie's 18month Birthday he came downw with a mild case of pnumonia! Mommy had to pick Charlie up from daycare at lunch time and took him right to the Dr. She pretty much diagnosed him before she even listened to his chest...apparently it had been going around. But in any case - we had to go for blood work...and the medevial torture device again (aka - chest x-ray!) But he was all cleared up with a couple of doses of anti-biotics! In fact we went camping 2 days later....and he was just fine!
Here's Charlie and Daddy enjoying the campfire!

Here's Charlie copying Daddy in setting up the tent trailer...he found a little stick and would tap it against the leg jacks....just like he saw Daddy do. It was very cute!

here's pic of our campsite - this is Winthrop WA - at the KOA campground. Winthrop was a neat little western town complete with wooden sidewalks!

Just a funny picture of Charlie with a Kleenex box on his head - that he put on his head! (Doesn't like to wear a hat - but this he'll wear!!!!)

Charlie discovered a prime seat in our Sunroom. He quite enjoys watching Daddy cutting the grass from this view!

Happy Canada Day! We had a Pre-Canada Day BBQ. We had a few playgroup friends over with their Mommy and Daddy's! It was lots of fun!


Karen said...

I'm with you should not be served on dinner plates! Very confusing to us toddlers!

Life according to Jacob said...

Sounds like you have had a very interesting month with lots of fun things happening.