Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A boy and his cars!

March-April 2007

Charlie loves to play with his cars! He's discovered that the window sill - which is can reach - but still a bit too short to see out the window - has this great ledge to drive his cars back and forth! He even makes the vroom vroom noise!!
Charlie copies so much! Which is so cute. We do this thing after his bath and getting him in his jammies - I do "flying" baby (I lift him up and go round in circle a couple of times) After - I put up my hand - and say "Tah Dah"! And he copies me with is arm! Sooo cute! Also I think his first word - of understanding is "All done"! When we read stories or finish a meal. I say "ALL done" - and put up both my hands...and he copies me... and it really sounds like he says "All Done!" Charlie also initiates play....when he's having his bath - he'll give me toy to play with....or if I'm pretending to not paying attention...he'll actually take my hand...turn it over to place the toy in my hand!!!!
Oh and Charlie knows the word "zerbert" and what it means! I'll say give Mommy a Zerbert - and he takes my arm and does it! and then smiles!!! or if its a really loud one...laughs!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

He's getting so big! And smart too!