Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Charlie can walk!!!!!

Well we knew it would happen eventually....and we figured it would be in Hawaii - and sure enough it happened!!!! Thursday, May 24 - was the official day!

For a couple of weeks before we left for Hawaii...Charlie was getting sooo close to walking. It started with him "forgetting" to hold on to the table/couch - and would just stand on his own. He would also take a step or two from the coffee table to the couch. And he was liking to walk with us - holding our hands. While in Hawaii - he would walk lots with us holding just one hand - one finger actually! Then he would let go of our hand and take a couple of steps....but then on Thursday night....totally out of the blue - he started walking!!!! We were in my parents room - and I didn't have my camera - but my mom quickly grabbed the video camera - so we have it on video! He was even able to get up to standing when he fell down - it was like all of a sudden he knew what to do!! It was pretty exciting! Of course he just wanted to run...forget this walking...running is better!!!!! But he's still a bit shakey!
We are sooo proud of Charlie!!!!

(Oh how our life will change...yet again!!!!!)


Life according to Jacob said...

ya Charlie what a way to cap off your holiday. Sounds like it was a very memorable trip for all of you

Unknown said...

Big congrats Charlie! Looks like you'll have to go to Hawaii every year to see what else you can learn there!

Butchess said...

yay charlie - that's so exciting!!! always something new, right?!

Unknown said...

YAAAAAAYYYYYYY! well done, charlie!

Heather said...

Good job Charlie!!!!