Friday, May 04, 2007

Brief Update...

Well after many many months...Charlie has two new teeth!!!! Yeah!!! I've been saying since January...anytime now - the two bottom teeth are sooo close...but they were stubborn! Finally Monday they made their appearance!

Charlie now says "Uh Oh" when he drops something....I guess he heard me say it so many times! But its pretty cute!

Charlie has been in the Daycare at Sto:lo Nation just about a month now...and it is going really well! The first week and a half he would cry when I would leave him...but by week two - he was very content when I would leave. He's too busy eating his breakfast I guess. (I'm trying to catch him when he goes for a walk with the group to get a picture of the 4 seater stroller. I will post it when I catch them) There's typically 8 kids on a daily basis - and most are older than him. But starting Monday there's a new friend starting and he/she is 9 months old. They are kept very busy...going for walks(at 10am) then lunch at 11:15, Nap time at 12 - ?, Craft time, and playtime(indoors or outdoors) until 4. Charlie usually sleeps for about an hour. And sometimes he falls asleep on the ride home...gets a little powernap.

Charlie is loving his Winnie the Pooh Musical book at the moment...he's had it since last summer but seems to have just "discovered it". It plays songs and his favourite it "Eency Weency Spidar" He even starts to do the hand gestures! It's very cute!

(I'll post pictures soon...)


Butchess said...

YAY new teeth finally!!! took them long enough, hey?
so glad he is doing well in daycare!

Life according to Jacob said...

Glad those teeth came through and that you are enjoying daycare. What kind of crafts have you done? I bet you can't wait for the playdoh when you can eat it.

Amy said...

Thanks for the update Deanna. Doesn't it seem like they can learn 10 new things a day these days?!?!