Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Charlie's new bed....the floor!!!

The past 2 nights Charlie has decided he doesn't want to sleep in his bed...but wants to sleep on the floor!!!!! What a crazy kid!
We think it all started on Saturday night...Charlie woke up crying around 10:30....it took him a while to settle back down...I asked him if he had a bad dream...if something scared him...at first he said no...but then changed it right right away to yes....so at first I thought it didn't know what was wrong....He heard Ben come out of the bathroom and he wanted to know what the noise was (he seemed a bit scared)....so I had Ben come in - give hugs/kisses....when Ben tried to leave again...Charlie started crying! So that's when we knew something had definatley scared him....so we both stayed with him for a bit....gave him a drink of water....I left Ben with him finally and he was with him for about 1/2 hour....Ben finally brought in his light up necklace he got from Disneyland....that finally settled Charlie down enough to go to sleep...this was almost 12:30 by now! He slept all thru the night....until almost 9am! (Which was great for Mommy and Daddy!!!!)
Sunday afternoon we tried to get Charlie go down for a nap....he wanted nothing to do with it....soooo I thought "he sleeps on a mat on the floor at daycare....I wonder???...." Ben had a mat - so brought that in...that didn't work either...but he did have about an hour of quiet time...so we lived with that! Sunday night - Charlie didn't want to sleep in his bed....he wanted to sleep on the mat! Alright....whatever works right! He went down with no issues....and slept all night! Monday night....he fought again to go to sleep....finally saying he wanted to sleep on the mat! So we pulled it out...and he went right down!!!
Sooo we are thinking something really scared him on Saturday night....Hopefully he wants to sleep in his bed again soon.....but for now...we will let him sleep where he wants...(as long as it's not Mommy and Daddy's bed!!!!)


Butchess said...

oh silly boy! whatever works - right?!

Heather said...

Ellenor went through a phase too of not wanting to sleep in her bed, but that was because she wanted to sleep with us (we had let her a few nights previously and the little stinker thought we had set a precedent!) But at least Charlie IS in his room and it is summer time....are you going to try the bed thing a bit later? And it could have been a nightmare...I think they're old enough...

Amy said...

Maybe he fell out of his bed... Owen did that once and it scared teh crap out of him too.