Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Just hanging out reading!

This morning while making Charlie's breakfast I left him in the living room. He's not really crawling yet so I felt ok just leaving him alone for a few minutes. I could hear him playing with his toy...then I didn't hear any noise...so I was a bit concerned. Wondering what did he get into I went to the living room. I found him reading his book! Too cute. I quickly went to get my camera to take a few pics! Our son...already knows how to pose for pictures! he heard the beep beep of the camera focusing and looks up with a huge grin!


Amy said...

That is Owens favorite book too!

Amy said...

Hey Deanna,

What is Ellenor's last name again? I want to find her blog.

Amy said...

It was great having you guys over today! I'll email you the photos in just a minute...

- Amy