Friday, September 08, 2006

Some catching up to do...

Well once again its been a while since my last update! Oh well...we've been busy! Let's see...what's new with Charlie!
It seems that now that Charlie is 7 months - he's found his voice! Daddy and I laugh sooo much at some of the noises he makes! He sings...he laughs...he talks...he screams...he growls...we love hearing his new sounds!

He sits up by himself totally unasisted. I hardly ever put pillows behind him anymore. Of course every once in a while he gets a bit too excited and he falls backwards! Ouch! That hardwood floor is hard! Charlie is sooo close to crawling...he gets up on all fours and his bum just starts a movin'!!! When he's in his sleeper he slides all over the place...(we have started baby prooffing!) The coffee table compartments will be empty very soon!

Charlie is hilarious...he is facinated with light fixtures! He just stares at them...even if the light isn't turned on!!!!

We've tried Cheerios. He can pick them up with his fingers...but them not sure how to get them into his mouth! But he eats them if I feed them to him! He still has a "not to sure" look on his face with every piece I give him!!!!

Charlie has also started to clap his hands by himself! Sooo cute! I'll say "Yeah Charlie" and he claps!

I think that's a pretty good update of what he's been up to soo far in his 7th month!

1 comment:

Amy said...

It was really good to see you guys the other day. Lets plan a play date for next week sometime. And maybe the boys will stay awake this time.
