Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Brief Update...Now that Charlie is 8 months old!

As it has been a while since our last update here you go....
As of Monday Charlie weighed 19lbs 13oz - so close to the 20lb mark!!! He is still very close to crawling...well he does crawl just not the tradition crawl! He kind of slithers! but if he really wants something...he can really move! His favourite is the gas fireplace!!! Yes - fireplace! Yikes! We did an experiment and discovered the bottom part of the fireplace does not get hot - a bit of a relief. Still, when he starts to get close to it - He gets a firm.."THAT'S HOT"! And then we take him away. He has started to cry a bit when we take him maybe he's figuring it out! Who knows! But at least we know if we leave the room...when the fire place is on...and he touches it...he won't burn his skin off!

Anyways...he also does this really hilarious butt slide! If I have him sitting playing with toys...he'll start to pull himself with his arms! It is hilarious! The first time he did it - it reminded up of a TLC show I watched where the woman was born without the bottom half of her torso (no legs) and she pulled herself around with her when Charlie started doing kinda freaked me out a bit! But now I just think its funny!!!

Charlie is still eating really good! We even tried some chicken the other day. We had chicken for dinner - so I cut up some for Charlie...he loved it! Haven't tried any other meat yet....(oh and just in case you're curious....his poop after eating chicken...pretty nasty!!!!) Just thought I would share that little tidbit of info!!!!!

Charlie is pretty much sleeping through the night. He goes down (usually) between 8 and 8:30 and is usually good until about 4:30 (he's up for a bout 10 min) and then back to sleep until 7:30 or 8. He is also really good about having morning and afternoon naps...only about 45 min to an hour...but this works for me!

Mommy started curling again...and Daddy has had to look after Charlie. Well Charlie is in bed when I go...but I think he senses that I am gone because both times I"ve gone out...Charlie has woken up about an hour after I"ve left. So Daddy has to get him to go back to sleep. This usually entails going for a drive! Hey - gotta do what works right!

Mommy and Charlie enjoy going out once a week to our play group. This is a group of us that met at the Health Clinic Baby Time drop in. Our babies are all about the same age and we would get together every Monday and visit...we just decided why not do this at our homes instead. This is great for the Mommy's to get out of the house, talk to other moms about baby stuff...or not about baby stuff! and good for the baby's to get to play with other baby's their own age! I only wish we had thought about this sooner! (I have some pictures of the kids playing...but for some reason I am having trouble uploading pictures! Will have to see what the deal is!)

Wow! I think that is quite the update....will try not to be so long for the next one! Hopefully I can firgure out why I can't upload any pictures...I have a bunch that are really cute!

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