Thursday, February 04, 2010

What's going on here!!!!

Seriously…it’s been almost a year since I’ve made a post!!! There’s something wrong here! I mean I should have time to post something daily that’s going on in our lives right? RIGHT…oh yeah I have 2 kids (2 kids which should mean double the work of having one…right….WRONG! Try quadruple the work)… Oh yah…AND I work full time!!!!

Well I am feeling inspired…I am taking a page or pages from some of my new favourite mommy bloggers…if you haven’t found these guys yet I strongly encourage you to do so! They are fabulous! she even has a book! I have it…if anyone wants to borrow!!! You will find yourself laughing out loud! I usually read in bed…just before going to sleep…and several times I’d laugh out loud and Ben would call me a freak! But she’s really funny! Oh yah - she’s even been a question on Jeopardy! (I’m just saying!)
The second mommy blogger… also fabulous!!! Oh and you have go to read Pioneer woman! Actually more importantly you have to read her story of how her and husband met… here. I dare you to stop after one chapter!!!!

So last week I’m driving with the boys somewhere…I have no idea where…probably to Crazy town! Anyways…I’m listening to the GLEE 2 soundtrack (I can’t tell you how much I love GLEE!!!!) anyways..Charlie’s newest thing is asking what the song is called…so I’m all it’s called “you can’t always get what you want” and when the chorus came – I sang along and had Charlie sing along too! He then proceeded to say “I like this song”. Later that night when getting jammies on he started singing it again….is was very cute!!!!
Sam – well any song he hears he bops his head…which makes him even cuter!

Stay tuned...this is seriously going to be a regular thing for me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

