Friday, February 05, 2010

Life with boys....

I grew up in a house with all girls…except my Dad. There are three of us…and my mom…and we only had ONE bathroom! My poor father is all I can say. Oh but they put in the second bathroom after we all moved out! What’s the deal with that! (That became my dad’s bathroom!!!!) He finally had his own private domain!!!

Well I get my payback…I have two boys so now I’m the one who is outnumbered! And wow the boy genes sure do kick in early!!!

Sam who is just a year old already laughs at fart and burps!!! Oh yes….he burps he laughs…Charlie burps - they BOTH laugh!!! Sam has also discovered that when he farts in the tub it creates bubbles…again with the LAUGHS!!!

And all I can do is shake my head and laugh too!!!!

1 comment:

Butchess said...

yay for blogging!