Thursday, February 18, 2010


For the past month or so our morning routine consists of this:
Sam waking up at exactly 6:03!!! Seriously it’s like he had an alarm clock….I’d bring him into our bed in attempt to get him to maybe, just maybe fall back asleep for another hour! We all know how well that went! He’d snuggle with me for about 2 minutes, before crawling over my head….kicking Daddy…trying to crawl to the foot of the bed…giving me a heart attack that he would fall off the bed…until I finally give up and go to the living room on the couch and let Sam play with his toys! Of course the toy he chose to play with…yes you guessed it THE.LOUDEST-POSSIBLE.TOY. he owns!!!!

Well this past week (and I know by writing this I’m tempting fate with the universe and Sam will this time wake up at 5:03!!!! But I’m gonna do it!) This past week…Sam has actually slept thru his alarm and is waking around 7:10! A much better hour of the morning…if there is such a thing!

Most mornings Charlie is still asleep through all of this. But every so often he too wakes up….The other morning (we’re still in bed…Sam’s with us) he calls out “Is it time to get up yet? (Since he’s been in a toddler/big boy bed he’s slept with the door closed…always… and will not get up to open it himself until we tell him too!) Anyways…he calls out…”is it time to get up yet? I yell back (totally joking) “NOPE!” So about 5 maybe 10 minutes go by…and he hasn’t come out yet…so I call to him…”why aren’t you coming out?” He calls back…”because he told me not too!”

Such an obedient child!

1 comment:

Life according to Jacob said...

gee can you train Jacob to stay in his room too!