Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Camping - August Long Weekend

July 31 - Aug. 4
For the August long weekend, we went camping once again to Hedley, BC. The Peacocks (Matt, Mandy and Keira) joined us this time around. The weather was a little on the chilly side...and it rained when we were trying to get set up...but all in all it was a great time! Lots of time spent in front of the campfire...roasting marshmellows and making s'mores! (it was great to introduce s'mores to Matt and Mandy!) But really what's not to love about them! The two kids played great together....even making other friends at the campground!

We went one day to Osooyas and visited the Nk'Mip Cultural Center. This is located in Canada's or BC's only desert (can't remmber if its BC or Cananda's...anyways...) It was HOT! So we didn't stay long! A hot desert doesn't fit with two 2 year olds and two pregnant ladies! But we did see some cool displays... Only to finish the day off with a huge ice cream from the Windmill!

We only had one mishap...Saturday morning Charlie woke up with "owies" He was in a lot of distress....I asked him what hurt. He said his tummy. So I lifted up his shirt and he was covered in red spots!!!! My first thought was Chicken pox....but really had no idea as I didn't know what to look for. Ben went up to the office to ask about the closest medical facility was. He was told Princeton (about a 20 min drive away). The owner of the campsite also said that earlier in the week his 1 yr old also woke up with a was concluded that it was an alergic reaction to the catterpillars....Still we wanted to get Charlie checked out. After about an hour wait at the "hospital" Charlie was given a clean bill of health - it wasn't chicken pox or measles or fifths disease...nothing contagious (Nothing to worry about for Mommy and baby either) But the Dr. didn't really know what caused the rash. We picked up some Children's Benadryl and calamine lotion and went back to the campsite. Charlie had a few occasions of ichiness (or "owies") as he called them...but after a dose of bendryl and calamine lotion he was fine!

It turned out by the next day all the kids at the campsite has this mysterious rash! (except Keira - lucky girl!) It was determined that it was the caterpillars at the campsite that caused this crazy rash....When we were packing up I was gathering our dirty clothes hamper - both my arms instantly got super itchy! Ben a couple days after getting home put on a shirt and started to get itchy on his side/and arms - he discovered a dead caterpillar. (Eeeeewwww - I know!!!) Those were some nasty caterpillars I tell you!!!
They were really annoying too!!!

Thankfully when we go back for the labour day weekend - they will all be beautiful butterflies!!!

But despite the weather...we had a very relaxing weekend with some great friends! Looking forward to our next camping adventure!
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1 comment:

Karen said...

Looks like a great time! I agree...desert and pregnancy not such a great combo, but ice cream would more than make up for any discomfort :-)