Friday, November 03, 2006

First Tooth!

Yeah finally Charlie has his first tooth! I noticed it yesterday. I thought I saw something when Charlie I stuck my finger in his mouth and sure enough on the bottom right I felt a tooth!

And last night...for the first time in weeks...Charlie only woke up once (at 3:30am) and then slept through til 8am!!! This was pretty exciting for Mommy! (for awhile it was every two hours!!!!!) I guess it was his teeth bothering him! Of course now I jinxed it...tonight he'll wake up lots!!!!

Oh well....


Unknown said...

yay! congratulations, Charlie! warning for you...they usually come in pairs!

Life according to Jacob said...

Beware the biting. Charlie remember that mummy's feeding machines are not made of plastic!

Amy said...

Yay Charlie! So Deanna, has he tried to bite you yet? Owen only started niting my fingers and what not (I'm not breast feeding, so it might be different) after he had his teeth in for a good month or so. So it might not start right away.