Friday, February 09, 2007

While Mommy's at work....

Well it has been a long time since my last entry...but when I'm at work all day...and only get to spend a short time with Charlie...there just doesn't seem to be enough time to update his blog! But finally I have a chance! Here is Charlie during his first two weeks at Rebecca and Olivia's!

Charlie loves the swings at the park....And playing some pretty serious music with the drum!!!!

Check out their cool ride! The Prince and Princess going for their daily carriage ride!!!!

All bundled up and anxiously waiting for their carriage ride! Aren't they soo cute!

The park sure is tiring! His first day...he didn't want to go in the playpen! so the floor works perfectly!
Rebecca worked some wonders with Charlie going down for a nap! She noticed that he would be tired in the morning around 9:30/10am...but at first he wanted to be held...well with Olivia there...this just wasn't possible to hold him till he fell asleep! day 3 or 4 (can't remember which) She put Charlie in the playpen (in her bedroom) and left him there...he never cried...he also never slept...but by the 3 day of doing this...he fell asleep sitting up - leaning against the side of the playpen!!! And by the 4th day...he layed down and slept...for 2 1/2 hours!!!!!He has never slept that long for me!!!
This also got Ben and I thinking...if he would go down for a nap for Rebecca...without being held...without being nursed....then he should do it for us too! So this started our "tough love" approach. Wed (Jan 31) we put him to bed and of course he cried...Ben would go in and comfort him. He cried for about 40 minutes. (And it wasn't even full on - un-controllable crying) And he fell asleep. He woke up a couple of times during the night - but would put himself back to sleep. The next night...he cried for about 30 minutes....the next 10...and now he maybe cries for 30 seconds. And the best part is - he sleeps through the night!!!! He has never slept through the night...ever! So this has been a real breakthrough for us!!! And he's still napping in the morning for 1-2hrs! Yah Charlie!!!!


Kaelen's Mama said...

Yay for Sleeping Charlie! I think My Mom needs to put her guilt aside and try the tough love approach to get me sleeping thru the night again! She sure is tired when she gets home from work cause I keep her up during the night!

Unknown said...

that carriage looks so awesome! (and nice job with the sleeping thing, buddy!)

Life according to Jacob said...

Isn't it great when they sleep. Now with working it is definitely tough to get stuff done around the house or even have some free time unless they are sleeping cause you want to spend all the time they are awake playing with them.

Heather said...

It was nice hanging out with you yesterday Charlie! Happy Valentine's Day!
Love Ellenor xxooxx

Unknown said...

Way to go Charlie! Presley has been so good at sleeping since 5 weeks until just a little bit ago, but I'm going to wait until we're all moved in so I don't confuse her.