Monday, January 08, 2007

First Trip to the ER!!!! (hopefully the last!)

Friday ended like we never would have planned. Charlie was coming down with a cold Thursday and by Friday evening we knew he was pretty miserable..but still just thought he had a cold. Daddy went to a friends house and Mommy stayed home with Charlie. After dinner, Charlie had his bath as usual. And then just wanted to cuddle on the couch with Mommy. (In fact when Mommy had to go to the Bathroom...he cried and cried!!!) So we had a good cuddle for the evening. He would fall asleep but when I would try to put him in his crib...he would I knew we were in for a long night! Daddy came home around 10:30...the power was out throughout most of Chilliwack...except our house! I went to get ready for bed...And Daddy was holding Charlie. He said I should take Charlie's temperature as he felt pretty warm! I did and his temp was 39.7. Now we knew this was high but weren't really sure what should be done! So I called my mom!!! She said to get him to the hospital right away that it was too high!!!! So that made me cry!!! (This was about 10:45pm)

We get to the hospital and it didn't seem to busy...the triage nurse said she would get us in ASAP! About 1/2 hr (11:30) later we got a bed. A nurse came in and asked us a bunch of questions (incidently the same questions the Triage nurse asked) A few minutes later the Dr. came in.(Also asked us the same questions...I thinking "why don't you just read the chart...I've already gave the answers 2 times now! Anyways...) He wanted Charlie to have a chest x-ray and blood work done. We waited...and waited....Finally he got the chest x-ray. He was put into what I thought was a medival torture device for the x-ray. It came back that he had pnumonia!!!!! Whoa! The Dr. said that he would most likely need to be admitted to the hospital...the catch was...Chilliwack doesn'thave a Ped's that would mean going to MSA!!!!! but first he was calling the Pediatrican on call for a second opinion.

The Pediatrican came...(again asked all the same questions as I already answered 3 times before...its after 2by now...I can barely remember my own name let alone how many wet diapers Charlie's had in the last 24hrs!!!!) Anyways...she said that yes Charlie had a viral infection that was most likely pnumonia...BUT it was very early on and he would NOT need to be admitted!!!!! Just be put on Antibiotics and checked on again on Sunday!

We got home around was a very eerie drive home as most of Chilliwack was without no lights...and very few cars on the road... We were still lucky - we never lost power!

I guess with so much excitment and still not feeling very good...Charlie did not want to go to he and I spent the night on the couch...dosing off and on. Finally at 8:30...Daddy got up to take a turn with him. But Charlie ended up in bed with me and we slept until 12:30!

Charlie was doing much better Saturday....eating well and nursing. (The Dr. suggested I nurse as much as possible to keep Charlie well the weening is on hold!) But still not feeling well at night....Charlie (and Mommy) had a special treat by sleeping together.(Poor Daddy had to sleep on the couch!)

By Sunday Charlie was definately himself...playing...singing...dancing.... We went back to the hosipal for a further check up with the Pediatrican...and she said he was definatley doing better. We have to continue giving him the Anibiotics until saturday and have him checked out by our Dr. next week...

But we survived out first visit to the ER!!!! Hopefully its a very very long time before the next visit!!!!!


Unknown said...

you poor thing, charlie...mommy said that you didn't seem yourself on friday. i'm sending you lots of mental hugs. mommy took me to the ER once too...suspected concussion...don't ask!

(Mommy here...I was thinking of asking the Health nurses what it would take to get a kids ward in Chilliwack...I know exactly how you felt, because when Keira was really sick with the stomach virus, I was worried that we'd end up in Abbotsford. I remember Janine saying at Pre-Natal Class that there had been plans for a ward, but nothing had happened yet. I was wondering if there was anything Mums like us could do to help move things along. Does it need fund-raising or just pressure on Fraser Health? Its time there was a ward here!)

Amy said...

Poor Charlie! Poor Mommy and Daddy too! At least it was a weekend, and this didn't all happen on your first week back to work.

I'm glad to hear Charlie is feeling better. You're right though - he didn't seem himself at last Friday's Play Group.

Butchess said...

oh deanna! that sounds really scary - so glad charlie is doing better!!!

Amy said...

Thanks for the visit today Charlie!

Amy said...