Sunday, October 01, 2006

Play Group at Ellenor's house!

Here is a group photo of our group last Thursday at Ellenor's house! Starting on the left standing is Kaelen (she is almost exactly 1 month younger than Charlie - I met her mommy at our Prenatal class), next is Keira (we met at the Baby Tme at the Health Clinic). Then sitting on the left is Owen (also met his mommy at Prenatal) then is cutey patutey Charlie! then Ellenor (met at Baby Time), Then Olivia (met for the first time here) then lying down is Presley (she only 3 months old so she can't sit yet!)

We decided to get together once a week - trading homes as we all get together at the Health Clinic - and it can get pretty noisy and busy. and this is a nicer way to get out of the house and visit! Something nice to look forward to every week! It'll be too bad when we all go back to work in the New Year! We'll have to figure out a way to still meet up!

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