Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Charlie's 6 months old!

Well today Charlie turns 6months old! How crazy...where did the time go!!! I saw a brand new baby at Baby Time yesterday...I can hardly remember when Charlie was sooo little! The time has flown by!

Last week we went to get his third set of shots. Not quite as tramatic for me as the last two! I only had the tears well up in my eyes...they didn't actually come down!!! I think those shots are worse for the mom's than they are for the babies!

We are continuing to have success with the rice cereal for lunch...I think tomorrow we will introduce some banana. Charlie is also continuing to sleep through the night! I no longer wake up in the middle of the night to check on him. I know he is OK and just sleeping soundly! He still goes to sleep around 10 or 10:30 and will sleep til 9am. Although last night he changed it up a bit and went to sleep at 9pm! and woke up a bit at 3:30am - I just left him and he fell back asleep after about 15minutes. He is soo smart he can turn the music on his projector/mobile thingy! So all of a sudden we hear music! Ben said to me "did you turn that on?" Nope - Charlie did!!!! Guess he wanted some music! Charlie then woke up to eat around 7am. then went back down - I had to wake him at 9:30 as I had a dentist appt and Grandma was babysitting.

We're also getting better at the afternoon naps as well. No real schedule but at least there is some actual napping happening!

1 comment:

Amy said...

that's awesome Deanna!