Wednesday, February 04, 2009

First Smile...

We were so lucky to capture sams first smile! He actually smiled for mommy the day before...but on January 29, 2009 - Daddy was playing with Sam and got him to smile lots. Mommy was quick with the camera and got all these gorgeous shots!!! Such a cutie!!!
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Charlie's 3rd Birthday

This years theme for Charlie's 3rd Birthday was a cars theme. Mommy made the racetrack cake...the kids made a picture frame with cars decoration and generally just ran around and made lots of noise! And that's why we rented a church hall once again! Charlie was once again spoiled with all kinds of toys!
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some family shots

Did a mini photo shoot at a friends place...these are some definate keepers (Sams's about 3 weeks old here)! Aren't we such a photogenic family! haha!!!
I love these kind of shots...especially in black and white!
Mom and her boys!

you would never know that Sam is absolutely screaming his head of here!!! Love this shot too!!!
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Introducing SAM!

OK - it's been like forever since I've updated the blog...and everyone has seen these pics of the birth of sam...I just thought I would start back updating with pics of his birth! He was born Dec. 16, 2008 at 12:10pm. As most have heard it was a super fast delivery...I was induced at 9am and by 10:30am (on my way home from the hospital) I started having pretty major contractions! Went back to the hospital and delivered Mr. Sam in about 5 pushes!
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