Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday!

I can't believe that Charlie is two!!! Where did the time go! We celebrated Charlie's Birthday on Saturday, Jan. 19 - at Chilliwack United Church Hall. This year his theme was Trains! As this has become Charlie's newest obsession! I made Charlie a pretty cool train cake! And there was a fun Train tent to play in. The kids all decorated a train to put on their fridge(thanks Grandpa H - for cutting out all the trains!) But mostly the kids just ran around! (Hence the reason for renting the Church Hall!) Charlie got lots of awsome presents! Thank you everyone!!!

Charlie is still such a mellow little man! No real sign of the Terrible twos...yet! They've made a few brief appearances...but nothing major.

When Charlie's with his Daddy and I - he talks up quite the storm...but he's quite reserved when he's around others. And quite content to play by himself!

He loves his trains...and will spend hours (if we let him) watching them go round the track....he also has figured out how to take the track apart as well as put it back together again! Usually in one long line!

I have a very polite little boy...When I cough or sneeze...he says "bless you Mommy!" (it's very cute!)

He's become quite proficiant at the "eency weency spider" song with actions. As well as ABCD (he throws in the D - when asking to sing it!) We practiced long and hard on Happy Birthday - but it ends up being more like "Happy Buh to you" Twinkle twinkle is also a favourite! (Of course when I try to get this on video - he refuses to sing!)

Colouring and painting are also a fun past time...Last week at Daycare - he spent a good 45 minutes on his lastest masterpiece. We have it hanging up in his playroom.